Operation Spark is currently running a 12-week bootcamp at the Youth Empowerment Project (aka YEP) in Central City. YEP is a great organization that runs a variety of programs to serve at-risk New Orleans youth. Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon three of our fantastic volunteer software developers teach JavaScript to 8 young adults.

We started off with why software is important, what a career in software development looks like, and then got into HTML/CSS. Most of the students’ time has been focused on JavaScript by writing some basic games like hangman.

We’ve been very fortunate to have a great group of volunteers teaching the students at YEP. They’re all smart and dedicated teachers.

George Mauer

George is a software developer at a software consulting firm called Surge. He came down to New Orleans to attend Tulane and never left. His interests outside of work are Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, emergence theory, independent music, philosophy, American politics, current science, and particle physics.

Steve Price

Steve Price is a web developer who loves teaching at Operation Spark. According to our students, Steve is one of their favorite and most animated instructors. He was previously an Interactive Developer at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. Steve holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Central Florida.

Benjamin Schenker

Ben is a software engineer at GE Capital. Ben is a recent transplant to New Orleans who made the move for his job at General Electric. He has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art.